Enrol Now

What do I need to do to enrol?

  1. Please read all information on website, student handbook and prospectus and VET student loan booklet and then submit the online enrolment form.
  2. You will then receive an invitation to our Information and Enrolment evening.
  3. Students attend an open night to view facilities, meet Principals.
  4. AABT Enrolment advisors will discusses all aspects of the course to ensure prospective students have all relevant information.
  5. Once students have received all information and viewed facilities they may enrol by providing:
    • Enrolment form and USI number.
    • Identification (copy of citizenship papers if not born in Australia).
    • Training agreement.
  6. Student is to fulfill all entry criteria listed under Entry procedure in prospectus and on website.
  7. Student receives an email of “offer of place” depending on results of one on one interview with CEO. This offer is dependent on interview with CEO.
  8. Student confirms receipt of offer of place email.
  9. Student is advised of interview date.
  10. Interview with AABT Enrolment advisors ascertains students ability to undertake required studies. If student doesn’t have Australian year 12 or have a AQF certificate IV qualification or higher, this will include LLN testing
  11. Discuss special needs, check uniform sizing, photograph for student ID card. AABT Enrolment advisor again confirms student has read and understood Handbook, Prospectus and VET student loan information. Student is able to ask questions for clarification on all aspects of course. A check list is signed by both student and CEO or senior management ensuring student is clear on all aspects of course.
  12. The Academy will then send the Department of Education your information and The Department will send you information on how to apply for your VET student loan.
  13. Student checks eligibility for loan then applies on line using password sent by Department of education.
  14. If under 18, student prints off application form, has parent sign and provides a copy to the Academy
  15. Student receives Confirmation of enrolment.
  16. Student confirms acceptance of place in class and commitment to course.
  17. Student attends orientation session and meets Trainer.
  18. Student receives user name and password for learner portal.