Work Experience

If you are seriously considering applying to study at The Australian Academy of Beauty Dermal and Laser in the next 6-24 months, we warmly invite you spend a week with us at North Strathfield, Bella Vista or Rockdale college for work experience.

You will have a fun week of “all things beauty” to give you a good understanding of what a beauty therapy student learns.

You will join in a practical class with our current students, and be taught practical aspects of the course with the students.

You will also help in the student clinic, working with real paying clients.

We will teach you several procedures including lash tints, facial cleaning, makeup application and much more.

During the week we would love you to bring your mother in for a complimentary treatment, so she can see exactly what you have experienced.

If you would like to be part of our work experience program, please complete the form below and submit.

Please note: As our work experience places are in high demand, places are only given to students seriously considering applying to study at The Australian Academy of Beauty Dermal and Laser in the next 6-24 months r in Beauty Therapy to apply for the work experience program.


Please click the black “Apply now “box on the right to apply for work experience with us

Course Name
Work Experience Week
Course Code
Attendance Choices

Bella Vista
North Strathfield