How To Become A Laser & Dermal Therapist in Australia

November 20th, 2023

Beauty and Dermal Therapies: Navigating Success

The multi-billion-dollar Beauty and Dermal therapies industry globally sees Beauty, Laser, and Dermal Therapists gaining prominence. Aspiring individuals must grasp the intricacies, requirements, and considerations for a career in this specialised field. This guide explores legislative challenges, educational prerequisites, and the significance of hands-on training.

What is a dermal therapist?

In Australia, a dermal therapist is a qualified professional specialising in a range of non-invasive, skin-related treatments and procedures. Their role encompasses various aspects of skin health and cosmetic dermatology.

Dermal therapists in Australia are trained to perform a variety of skin treatments, including:

  • Advanced facials and skincare advice
  • Chemical peels
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Laser and light-based treatments
  • Skin needling
  • Management of skin conditions like acne, rosacea, pigmentation, and scarring

Choosing the Right College: Key Considerations

Select a college wisely when aspiring to become a Beauty Laser and Dermal Therapist. Look for hands-on training with industry-standard equipment. Hands-on, face to training is essential. Avoid online short courses. Industry preference is a full beauty qualification such as the SHB50121 Diploma of Beauty Therapy plus Advanced Laser and Dermal training.

Laser training should include hands-on experience with cutting-edge equipment. A comprehensive curriculum guided by qualified trainers in a fully equipped Laser clinic builds confidence and competence.

How To Become A Laser & Dermal Therapist in Australia | AABT Blog

Understanding Legislation: Navigating the Regulatory Landscape in NSW

A significant challenge in the beauty therapy industry, particularly in New South Wales (NSW), is the lack of specific legislation for Laser and Dermal Therapies. This gap poses difficulties for therapists in discerning qualifications and standards.

Other states do have licensing requirements.

Despite there not being licensing requirements in NSW we are finding insurance companies companies want proof of qualifications and training from a reputable training organisation, Choose Laser training recognised by at least one State Radiation Health Department.

Cautionary Note on Online Courses: The Pitfalls of Remote Learning

In the era of digital education, online courses promise convenience but may leave gaps, especially for Laser and Dermal courses.

Performing safe treatments demands expertise, and relying solely on online instruction may hinder practical skills. Seek colleges offering face-to-face classes, practical training, and access to industry-standard equipment. Reputable colleges do not teach Laser or Dermal treatments online.

Pre-Requisites for Advanced Courses: The Importance of a Beauty Therapy Diploma

Before studying advanced Laser and Dermal courses, pre requisite units in the SHB50121 Diploma of Beauty Therapy units are essential. Completing Laser training alongside your SHB50121 Diploma of Beauty Therapy is recommended. This foundational qualification covers critical aspects, and any course lacking these prerequisites may compromise necessary knowledge. Beware of colleges offering “Quick Laser and Dermal training.”

Studying at Australian Academy of Beauty Dermal & Laser

Challenges of Quick-Fix Courses: Emphasising the Journey

Becoming a skilled Beauty Laser and Dermal Therapist is a journey requiring time, dedication, and commitment to learning. While quick courses may be tempting, value lies in enjoyable, hands-on programs. An Advanced Laser & Dermal course typically spans 12 months, complementing the SHB50121 Diploma of Beauty, ensures a thorough understanding of complexities.

Do I Need a Laser Dermal Course?

While not mandatory, Laser & Dermal training sets Beauty Therapists apart as salons and spas include these treatments, creating demand for skilled therapists. Holding a Laser & Dermal qualification can lead to higher pay and more job opportunities. It also gives you piece of mind you are qualified to perform treatment and will be covered by insurance.

How To Become A Laser & Dermal Therapist in Australia | AABT Blog

In Conclusion: Embracing the Journey in Beauty Therapy

Aspiring Beauty Laser and Dermal Therapists should approach their path with diligence, seeking comprehensive education, hands-on training, and ongoing learning. Navigating legislative challenges, choosing the right college, and understanding prerequisites are crucial. It’s about embracing the journey and becoming a respected practitioner, ensuring safety for both therapist and client.

To find out more on how to get started today, go to: